Hearing the Voice of God during Adoration
Oh, Sacrament Most Holy, Oh Sacrament Divine, All Praise & All Thanksgiving, Be Every Moment Thine!
One of our UPRISE movement-makers writes to us today: “What a blessing to be invited to serve as one of the 168 individuals at our church for Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist! To even begin to be able to comprehend the magnitude of what it is like to quietly, in awe, resting in the Presence of the Lord here on earth, there is nothing in life that can even begin to compare! The only challenge is to quiet the noise in my mind and heart, so that I may literally hear the Voice of God…calling me, inviting me, reassuring me, challenging me to fully live His vocation of Love that He has uniquely given me, truly each one of us, to fulfill on His behalf. Lord, I can’t wait to be able to spend more time with you tomorrow when you can light my path to each hour, each day, until I can return home to you! Blessing each step, may they be Yours!”