“We wanted to visit & care for our sick Mom…”
4th Work of Mercy: Visit the Sick
The 4th Work of Mercy, visiting the sick is a rich opportunity to be in communion with another; to step into their life with all its joys and sorrows, and to truly walk along side them with loving compassion, really be there for them! It’s not easy to always do, particularly when the one you are visiting is really sick. Two of our UPRISE movement-makers who are sisters and living in Florida have actively cared for their mother for the past two years - they have both jumped in to ensure housing, food, and a robust recovery after open heart surgery, which was a painful and lengthy healing. Sleepless nights, selfless round the clock care helped heal their mother from heart surgery but also healed her spirit! The daughters were tired thru it all, juggling full-time jobs of their own but their love and the grace of God brought everyone to a better place! What beautiful examples of family mercy!